So, where was I, again, before I was rather rudely cut off (by the real world and its hellish demands)?
I think that one of the most curious things in life is that if you happen to live nearby something great, you probably won't go and see it. On my hometown there is a pretty well-known canyon called Korouoma, and it's probably one of best known sights -although that's really not that awesome, since my hometown is rather small. Anyhow, I visited the place this July with my parents, and I loved it.
I love photographing in my mom's greenhouse - the light and the atmosphere do make a neat photo opportunity. I simply love the color green, it is so summer-ish.
Oh my goodness, I managed to get my first bullseye in like, ten years. I was pretty hyper after this. Taken in our summer cottage.
Oh, major love for this one. This is from the terrace of our sauna, and whoo boy, do I love spending time on there or what. It is insanely calming to just sit there, reading a good book and just enjoying your life for once.
I had big plans for this summer regarding fishing. Sadly, like every summer before this one, I didn't have the time for actually do anything about it. Well, I got some pretty photos from the fishing nets, and I guess that is something...
Event though I did not read enough, I managed to make time to read at least something new. This is Chuck Palahniuk's Choke (a book I didn't really care about, to be quite honest).
So, all in all, I had great time, and I managed to take some photos in the progress. Okay, I didn't get all the things done, but at least I didn't spend my whole summer whining and being broody, which is not really a productive way to live.
Well, I don't know about any of you guys, but I had a brilliant summer. Okay, yes, I didn't really have any vacation - I started working on the 3rd of June and I'm going to stop on the 6th of September. And yes, admittedly, I spent about 75% of my waking hours asking whether the customers would like their shoppings wrapped (cellophane or gift bag?) or not. But, still.
I had a list of the things I really, really wanted to do - let's see how well I could hold on to some of my expectations.
- At least one festival! Sadly, no. I meant to go to Qstock or Flow Festival in Helsinki, but then the situations changed and that meant no festivals for me. But I attended the Brass Week in Lieksa in July? Does that count?
- At least one night spent not-sleeping! Oh boy, yes. The night before my great Helsinki-trip. We went to the train straight from the bar and perhaps it wasn't such a hot idea after all. But I regret nothing! We had great time - even if we were almost psychotic from the exhaustion and we just wanted to lie down on the pavement and die.
- Big parties with my friends! Well, of course.
My good friend T is making some kind of a drink here. I have no idea of the quality of the drink, but I bet it was delicious.
- Many new books, many new pictures. Okay, so I didn't exactly ace the book-part: during the three months, I read only seven new books. And yes, seven is not many for me: I usually read seven to eight books per month. This summer I just read old Stephen King novels over and over again (as if I hadn't read them like ten times before). But hey, a gold star for me for the pictures! I took pics like crazy.
As you can clearly see.
- Swimming before work, swimming during the night. Wellll, earlier on the summer, yes. But I've gotten so lazy this year, I didn't really bother with the "swimming before work"-part.
But hey, I took pictures anyways, so.
- Oulu! Lots of it!
Oh God, yes. The one thing that kept me sane during the hectic work months was Oulu. I visited it couple times a month, and every visit was more glorious than the one before.
This pic is from May 2010. We were hanging out on a hill close to my apartment. I was creeped out by the bugs, but I guess the ladybirds were kind of cute.
- Picnics! Barbeques!
Oh, yes.
These pics are also from May. I really enjoyed the picnic, even if I didn't eat anything and I was pretty tired the whole time and it was really, really hot. But for some reason or another I liked the afternoon in Ainola and likewise, I dig the atmosphere of these pictures.
Well, uh, itseems I kindofdiedthere - andbysaying "kindof", I mean "ohwhatthehell, I totallyscreweduproyally, AGAIN". I hadbig, awesomeplansforupdates, buteverytime I wasgoingtoupdate, somethingcameup. Either a)I hadtogotowork - duringthe summer, realnine-to-fivekind, andearlier, duringspring, school-relatedworkings, OR b)oneofmyfriendscalledandaskedwhat I wasdoing (and I betweallknowwhatthatmeans, winkwink, nudgenudge), OR c)I justforgotaboutthewholethingandlogged on Facebookinstead.
Butonward! Includingtomorrow, I havefive (5) daysleftuntil I getbacktoOululandia. I'vespentthreewholemonthsworkingas a cashier on a storeand I've been living withmyparents the whole time, soonecanonlyimaginehowthrilled I amtogetbacktothe city. But! Unlikelast summer, I'veactuallymanagedtogetstuffdone! I'vesewn! I'veattendedmyhorsebackridinglessons (welll, atleastforthefirstpartofthe summer)! I'vetakenpictures! Yes!ButsinceI've a workingdaytomorrow (fromnine-to-five, like a goodcitizen), I'mgoingtodiscusstheseprojectslater on. Andthistime, I really, reallymeanit.
Butmaybewhilewaitingforthatmiracle I couldtrytodescribemynewestproject. Yousee, I bought a newcellphoneearlierthis summer, Nokia 5230, andboy, have I beendoingawfulthingswithit - it's a truemiracle I haven'tthrashedityet (whileI'vebeenthrashed, haha, am I eversounfunny). Ergo, this summer, I'vebeenvideotapingembarassingthingswhenhangingoutwithmyfriends. While I don'tfeelquitecomfortablesharingthesekindsofpersonalthings on the Internet, I canstilloffersometranscriptions. AndI'mdoingthismostlyformyself - I sweartoLord, if I can'tsomehowfind a waytosharethefunI'mgoingtoexplode. Thesevideosmake me grinlike a foolevery single time I watchthem, andevendiscussingthemis, well, prettyawesome.
So, I tapedthe video inquestion a weekbeforethis. I wasattendingOulu's Taiteiden Yö (NightofArts) anditwas a prettygreat, ifrandom, night. On the video, we'rehangingoutatourfavoritebar, Karaoke Aitta. The video shows a discussion between me, T (male, 20, oneofmybestfriends) and M (male, 22?, goodfriendof T), and we allare prettywasted - andwhen I say "prettywasted", I mean... well, seeforyourself. Someofthehilariousityislost on thetranslation, but I guessthe main idea comesthrough. T (wearingmyglassesforsomereason): Yeah, inmyopiniontheFinnish - - (M showing a thumbs-up) theFinnishculturehasbeentotallycorrupted, because - - Me:Why? T: Finnishteenagersstillcontinuetodrink. (I starttolaugh, phoneshaking)Stilldrinkingbooze! I thoughtthatallkindsofdrinkinghadstopped - afterwestoppeddrinking - - BUT NO! (said v., v., enthustically)THEYreallydrinklike, so, somuch. (I starttogigglehysterically, thencalmdown a bit)Theydrinksomuchliquornowadays, still. (a pause)Thankyou. M:Aijjai. Me:Thanks. (I turnmycellphonetoface M, wholooksamused)Wellllthen, whatabout M? M:Wellll, atthemomentI'venothingtoadd. I'mjustgoingtotwirlmybeardandagreewith T - (motionsat T) whateveryousaid! Yourpoint - I didn'tgetit(motionswithhishands, whistles) - - T: (v.wearily) I didn'tgetiteither. Me:Weren'tyoulisteningtothisdrinkingliquor - - (longpause, I'm tryingtofind a rightword, notfindingit) thing? (T handsmyglassesoverto M) Oh, putthose on, nowyou'llunderstandeverything! M (putstheglasses on): Oh, now I understandeverythingwhat T toldus! (laughter)Yes, yes, true - - it's a factthatourteenagersaretotallycorrupted (said enthustically). Me: Isthatso? M:Totallycorrupted. (comingclosertothephone, blockingthesourceoflight) Me:Really, now? (T laughs, while M stilltryingtocomecloser)Fuck, I'mlosingthelight, so no matterhowcloseyou'recoming - - (everyonelaughs, clashingsounds, chaos, thenblack)
Wow lol whut happened, did I die like for a minute or what the hell just happened? Oh well, in my defence, I had a pretty eventful fall there - I had tons of great parties that definitely needed my attendance (ow my liver), I had loads of (boring, blagh) school work and even some personal relationship-thingies going on. Frankly, I've always considered those who have all the time in the world to blog to be no-lifers - or, I guess that it can also serve as a decent excuse to not to update...
Well, anyhow. Despite the fact that the past fall was insanely busy (and frankly, pretty insane also), I had time for a really sweet and awesome Christmas. Finally, I had time to just chill out, hang out with my folks, watch TV (Heartbeat! Cracker! CSI!) and eat myself to coma, oh yes. After like three months I had time to be creative - I drew stuff, I photographed stuff, I almost wrote stuff (but always went to sleep or to eat instead). Hence, I've loads of stuff to publish and loads of new-born projects to discuss, yay! There's going to be a huge-ass update coming, with PICTURES and MOAR TEXT and all that jazz. That update is going to be FABULOUS and not at all as failtastic as this one! Be prepared, yo.