I think that one of the most curious things in life is that if you happen to live nearby something great, you probably won't go and see it. On my hometown there is a pretty well-known canyon called Korouoma, and it's probably one of best known sights -although that's really not that awesome, since my hometown is rather small. Anyhow, I visited the place this July with my parents, and I loved it.
I love photographing in my mom's greenhouse - the light and the atmosphere do make a neat photo opportunity. I simply love the color green, it is so summer-ish.
Oh my goodness, I managed to get my first bullseye in like, ten years. I was pretty hyper after this. Taken in our summer cottage.
Oh, major love for this one. This is from the terrace of our sauna, and whoo boy, do I love spending time on there or what. It is insanely calming to just sit there, reading a good book and just enjoying your life for once.
I had big plans for this summer regarding fishing. Sadly, like every summer before this one, I didn't have the time for actually do anything about it. Well, I got some pretty photos from the fishing nets, and I guess that is something...
Event though I did not read enough, I managed to make time to read at least something new. This is Chuck Palahniuk's Choke (a book I didn't really care about, to be quite honest).
So, all in all, I had great time, and I managed to take some photos in the progress. Okay, I didn't get all the things done, but at least I didn't spend my whole summer whining and being broody, which is not really a productive way to live.
Aand that's all, folks.