And by "this", I'm referring to the fact that the promised update took, err, some time. But! I've been awesomely busy during these few weeks - I've studied my ass off (fennistics and French, mostly), met friends, watched movies, hanged out with friends, been drunk couple of times, had fun time with my friends... well, you get the point. I have so many friends and so little time, so obvs my social life usually wins over the bloggin' life - I bet you'd say the same thing if you met my friends.
Also, I'm pretty much obsessed with this movie.

That's right, it's Inglourious Basterds and it is fabulous. I've watched it three times now (two times on the same week because I'm insane like that), and it gets better every time I see it - actually, given the chance, I'd probably go and see it right now. I've tried to draw some kind of lame-ass fanart out of it, but so far no good - the cast is far too hot to be put on paper, I guess. One of the best thing about this movie is the fact that most of my friends are almost as obsessed with it as I am, so we act like a bunch of teenaged fangirls when it comes to Basterds, and it glorious and hilarious.
The only negative thing concerning this masterpiece is that, well, every other movie you watch after seeing Basterds feels like blah.
If you have seen this movie, good - if you havent, GO AND SEE IT I DEMAND IT.
This update, btw, is provided by Coffee House. I'm leaving to Tornio in an half hour, and since I couldn't check the time my bus leaves, I was at the station hour too early. So I came here and deciced to use this failure-time rather productively.
Now, off I go.
Well hullo there. Since I'm new-ish to this blogging world, let's get to know each other before we go any further.

Goes by the name of Anni, but has many internet aliases
20 years old, studies literature ( & fennistics) in the university of Oulu
Current obsessions include Inglourious Basterds (saw it this week, LOVED IT GODDAMNN), my computers & other electronic shenanigans, Christopher Walz (damn you sexy nazi!), work work work, horses & riding, Sex and the City, singing v. loudly while driving
Is listening to Tarantino soundtracks, Spotify, christmas songs (Last Christmas, anyone?)
Reads mostly paperbacks, Stephen King, Marian Keyes, Henning Mankell, Anja Snellman
Loves drawing, baking awesome goodies, knitting and sewing, spending time with horses and friends, planning and scheming, good movies, cats, buying fancy dresses, drinks that taste like apples
Could really live without all kinds of creepy crawlies, Britney Spears, deadlines, updating regularly, French grammar ahshgdhd
Would love to talk about herself alll dayy, but, fortunately, her friends won't allow that.
Has been working full weeks (I'm talking about 35 -50 hrs) for over three months now. Well, at least I know how to spend my summers productively, gosh.
Is going to discuss a real topic tomorrow!
Welcome to my world, dear Reader - or, if I may quote my favorite author, Stephen King, Constant Reader.
Before this summer, I had never really gotten the idea of having a blog: I saw myself as a more of a livejournal-type of gal, with short, cryptic and angst-ridden entries. "Dude, what would I do with a blog? Geez, I'd have nothing to say anyway. The world, I suspect, wouldn't be blown away by my exquisite stories of working almost fifty hours a week and spending my spare time doing mostly nothing except planning things", quoth I. "But then again", I wondered, "maybe, just maybe, I'd get actually doing something if I decided that I would blog about my projects? Hell, I'll give it a shot - I've nothing to do, anyways, so."
So here I am now, starting yet another project - a blog about my unfinished/forgotten/new projects. This blog may contain snark, angry rants, bad grammaer and awwkward speling, unquestionable picture content, but it may also contain good memories, shrieks of joy, laughs and giggles. We will just have to wait and see. Note: this is not a fashion blog, nor it is a lifestyle blog or what the hell ever have you. It is my blog, so if the content doesn't suit your exquisite taste, be my guest and find another blog that will cater your taste better.
(Also, do not act all surprised and whiny, if I should just stop writing - it might be a sign of me getting bored and not giving a damn about blogging. This has happened before, and you can bet your ol' gramma that it will happen again.)
But here's hoping that my blog won't get to that point - in the words of John Lennon, let's hope it's a good one (without any fear).