Goes by the name of Anni, but has many internet aliases
20 years old, studies literature ( & fennistics) in the university of Oulu
Current obsessions include Inglourious Basterds (saw it this week, LOVED IT GODDAMNN), my computers & other electronic shenanigans, Christopher Walz (damn you sexy nazi!), work work work, horses & riding, Sex and the City, singing v. loudly while driving
Is listening to Tarantino soundtracks, Spotify, christmas songs (Last Christmas, anyone?)
Reads mostly paperbacks, Stephen King, Marian Keyes, Henning Mankell, Anja Snellman
Loves drawing, baking awesome goodies, knitting and sewing, spending time with horses and friends, planning and scheming, good movies, cats, buying fancy dresses, drinks that taste like apples
Could really live without all kinds of creepy crawlies, Britney Spears, deadlines, updating regularly, French grammar ahshgdhd
Would love to talk about herself alll dayy, but, fortunately, her friends won't allow that.
Has been working full weeks (I'm talking about 35 -50 hrs) for over three months now. Well, at least I know how to spend my summers productively, gosh.
Is going to discuss a real topic tomorrow!
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